Farm Irrigation Systems, farm irrigation

What is this irrigation?


Irrigation is a process of moving water from the region and then paying compensation for lack of rainfall. It is used in the operation of water and water and maintaining pastures for organisms made of guns and houses and enhanced lamps. farm irrigation systems


However, irrigation is very different from irrigation which the farmer uses to treat his products. Learn about agricultural irrigation.


What do you think about land irrigation at that time?


There is evidence of agricultural irrigation, calculated in the 6th century BC. In the Middle East. These regions will not have enough rain to help the products that they can offer without irrigation support.


Many years ago irrigation was deliberately planned and depends on water. Many irrigation systems still work with this basic property and show water that depends on the influence of their controls. farm irrigation system supply


What kind of irrigation is used now?


Those farmers should consider when preparing their irrigation is how to use water in a very good way. Water shortages cause dry and dead areas, while large quantities of water can cause accumulation and soil distribution.


The horses use different strategies to strengthen their farms. Depending on size of field, atmosphere and environment, different approaches can be more accurate than others. Here are some ways in which farms use your property. farm irrigation system design


Irrigation surface


Irrigation system depends on the influence of water flow from one part to another. By using water and waterways, controlled waves are supplied from soil to water. In situations where gravity cannot be transported to any part of the apartment, the pump may be used or the water can be transported by hand.


Leakage irrigation


This type of irrigation provides plants with water from the bottom. In regions with high water content. Usually, these regions are located in pools and areas. This technique requires an increase in groundwater through the system of pump and forests.


Sprinkler Irrigation


Sprinkler irrigation is a way in which absorbs water through the development of hoppers or hoses and then is poured over the ground. Water users can be squeezed into mobile devices or have the same water supply and cut off. Center Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

Where does the wastewater come from?


Sewage from the field comes from different sources. These include lakes and rivers and supplies provided by people and lakes. Flood sewage floods can also be used to strengthen the farms.